Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Boat Ride

 We took a boat along this river (no idea the name, it’s Thai). We were 7 people to a boat. It was about an hour long. I didn’t take a lot of pictures because I didn’t want to give my attention to picture taking, my attention went to observing and taking in my surroundings. I felt a whole bunch of emotions on the boat ride. First I took a Dramamine so my tummy was fine. The homes there are so different. I felt sad at the ways these people were living. It really made me appreciate what I have. Here there is no separation of rich and poor. There was a house in shambles with trash and items outside and then right next door there was a home that was 4 times the size with a gate and beautiful plants. Every person that we passed smiled and waved at us. They were happy. The children signed “I love you” and made hearts with their hands. In the pictures you see the goddess of fertility statue. The legend she bleached her hair and then flowing from her hair came a clear beautiful river. Mother, that’s why blonde people get touched so much, good luck and fertility. I took a picture of the skyline because I wanted to explain how these buildings were built. The ground here is extremely soft because just a little bit under is water. Until about 6 years ago Bangkok was full of small buildings because they couldn’t find out how to dig into the ground. Now they dig almost tunnels way under and fill it with concrete. So basically these buildings are on huge concrete stilts. Pretty cool. The white building was right before the temple we went to. In Bangkok there are Cambodian style temples, Chinese temples, and Thai style temples. On the top of the Thai temples there are large white columns this is the crematorium. In Buddhism followers are cremated for reincarnation. We also saw a lot of spirit houses. These are built for the spirits to come, eat, visit, and make merit. People stop for good luck and offer food and drinks for the spirits. Check out the pictures of the temple. Minds open, hearts close, bellies full!

-The Foodie and Nature Enthusiasts

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