Sunday, January 19, 2014

Cambodian Style Mosaic Temple

These are just some shots of the temple we went to. We got there by the boat. It is a Cambodian style temple and the outside is completely decorated in broken rice pots, from the trades with China of the time it was built. I took a lot of pictures of the mosaic style because I really enjoyed seeing it and I’ve done a few mosaic pieces myself. We saw a few monks there and several people praying. If you happen to go to a temple make sure what you wear is lower than mid-thigh and covers your shoulders. It’s very disrespectful to look like a tramp. The stairs that you see are very steep and we climbed them to get to almost the top of the temple. Check out the pictures of the bonsai garden and the spirit homes. Minds open, hearts close, bellies full.

- The Foodie and Nature Enthusiast

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