Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Coke in a bag. That's how we do in Thailand.

I wanted a coke. Unfortunately the people at the guest house were all busy admiring their new graduate from Chiang Mai University. I guess that's not unfortunate because I was really happy for them it was just unfortunate for me because that meant I couldn't get a coke from here. So I walked down the street a little bit and came across a place I could. But the lady wouldn't let me take the bottle with me because they get to recycle them with the company. If I wanted to take the bottle it would have cost me 50 baht! 50 baht! It costs 15 a little farther down the road...So we compromised. She poured it in a bag and lowered her price. So ladies and gents this is my coke in a bag.

minds open, hearts close, bellies full...

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