Friday, January 24, 2014

My First Thai Meal

Well this is my first Thai meal as the title says. It was fried calamari covered in garlic and then we had a fish salt fried with garlic. The cup with the green sauce was really good, but when I went to try it I wasn't expecting what I got. Here's why: Pam, one of our professors on the trip tried it and I asked her what it was  she said "lime sauce". So I thought Oh okay a lime sauce, it should be citrus flavored with a nice tang to it. I dipped an entire piece of fish into it and then popped it in my mouth...I just about choked! She forgot to mention it was lime with a kick of SPICE! It was really good but I was just not expecting the spice to hit so quickly. By the way the calamari here just melts in your mouth. Minds open, hearts close, bellies full.
-The Foodie and Nature Enthusiast

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