Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dinner on Chiang Mai University’s dime

This restaurant has traditional northern Thailand cuisine, architecture, and had a nice after dinner show of Thai dancers performing traditional Thai dances. The food was really really good. Basically it was a free for all. I’m not going to explain how it works, I think the pictures do that. Combining flavors was really great and the company was fantastic. Our professors and the dean were there. We literally had dinner with our teachers and talked about random stuff. One of our professors, the one in the purple, during the knife show said that in Thailand if woman break up with man he kill her but if woman stay and he break up with her then he kill her too because he doesn’t want her to be happy. That’s Thailand.  (paraphrasing because I don’t actually remember the quote word for word). It was probably the best line of the night…okay it was. Then at the end Lexi decided to pull me up and make me try and learn this dance on the stage in front of EVERYONE! I was so nervous that afterwards my adrenaline was still rushing so I was shaking until we got back to the guest house. I have never wanted to get out of a restaurant so fast in my life. I mean my teacher kept yelling at me in Thai to do things and my head was screaming “I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SAYING STOPPPP YELLLLINNGGG AT MEEEEEEE”. It was awful. I do not recommend this for people who get nervous easily about the possibility of failing. Haha Minds open, hearts close, bellies full

-The Food and Nature Enthusiast

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