Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fangirling at Into the Woods Cafe

If you don't know the musical Into the Woods then you won't understand why I freaked out when I saw this little cafe. On the window they have the synopsis of the musical. Mom, it follows it exactly. The mural has little bits and pieces of each character in the story. I just can't. I mean the food is cheap but reallly reallly good, the drinks are awesome, and the people there speak really good English. They have free wifi and books you can read at your own leisure. Open everyday 9:00-9:00. We've been there 3 times in the past 5 days...We  have officially found our homework spot, think spot, drink spot, food spot...let's just say we've found our spot. I really wish we could get Netflix so we could watch Into the Woods when we are there. Oh well. Check out the Teddy Bear Death post to see a latte teddy bear art die slowly....hehehe Mind open, hearts close, bellies full.

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