Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The First Big Market I've Been Too!!!

I was just jaw-dropping surprised at this market. The prices are really cheap. Remember that 32 baht = $1 (U.S.) the oat means that I can get a really big bundle of garlic for about $1.15. HOLY CRAP! Anyways just look at all these glorious pictures. It's a foodies heaven. The meat market was great, saw some bull penis, and meat chopped right in front of me. They kill the fish right in front of you or you can buy them alive and throw them on ice. Either way it's cheap and easy. Seriously if you are a foodie look at these if not...move on...
Minds open, hearts close, bellies full.
-The Foodie and Nature Enthusiast

P.S. yes that's pigskin, and pig head, and intestines, and bugs..sorry squeamish people (nope I am not)

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